How you can learn to embrace the cold and darkness of Winter

The darkness is taking over, it is dark going to work and also dark coming home. The temperatures are dropping and we still have at least another two months of this. We can’t control winter, however we can learn to embrace it. Embracing winter is called Hygge (pronounced hoo-guh) by Danish people. It’s about slowing down and nurturing your soul and others so you are recharged for the seasons to come.

Here are six tips to help you embrace winter and help you make the most of this season:

  1. Slow Down

Hygge examines our habits in our daily lives. Instead of running to get things done, pause to think about what makes you feel comfortable and relaxed. Once you have identified these how can you incorporate more into your daily life. Give yourself permission to enjoy these things whether it’s having a cuppa with a loved one, reading a book curled up beside the fire, listening to good relaxing music. Find ways to prioritise these in your life and saviour the moments.

  1. Find the Light

Light in the darkness can symbolise warmth and hope when we are struggling with the darkness. This winter do the things that warm your soul and recharges you. What makes you feel warm and secure. Fires, candles or lamps in the corner of the room, cup of your favourite hot beverage. Try get out in the daylight where possible, go out at lunch or make a conscious effort to get outdoors at the weekend.

  1. Connection

Is also a big part of Hygge. As humans connecting with others who love and are positive and supportive are crucial to our souls and helping us grow and face whatever take challenges life throws at us. Have friends over, do a potluck, have games night, watch classic movies, spend time with family. Enjoy making new connections and finding new group of like-minded people. Remember you’re the average of the five people you spend the most time with, so choose wisely.

  1. Nurture your senses

Winter can be very long and harsh, can be bitter, cold, wet, assaulted by hail stones (anything is possible with the Irish weather). This can be very uncomfortable for us; how can we nurture ourselves when carrying hot water bottle isn’t an option. Wear layers especially large comfy knitted jumpers/cardigans (but still stylish). On these dark evenings, instead of binge watching TV, cook yourself a nice stew or curry, have the bath and listen to relaxing music, have gloves for driving the steering wheel is freezing and don’t forget the travel mug.

  1. Focus on the Small Stuff

What is your favourite ritual that you enjoy and feel cosy and warm? These rituals nurture and comfort us that makes us feel loved and grounded in our lives. How can you fit one in each day? Is it the 5minutes with first cup of tea/coffee with no interruptions. Is it a nice meal with a loved one after work, cooking dinner together, cuddling up beside the fire, wrapping up well and going for a walk. What are your favourites?

  1. Celebrate Winter

I personally love winter (well most the time) where I look forward to cuddling up beside the fire, enjoy slowing down and taking time to reflect how far I have come and more importantly where am I going in the future. There are times it is bleak especially in the West of Ireland as it can be so wet and seems like winter will never end and that sun holiday can’t come fast enough. But when you stop focusing on that and focus on how to nurture yourself and recharge the batteries so you aren’t noticing the days passing by, you start to begin to notice the long stretch in the evening and brighter times ahead.

Thanks for reading, I am now off for a cuddle with my dog and a nice cuppa of hot chocolate




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