Are you a Fan of New Year’s Resolutions? (I’m Not)

New Year means a new you right.  It is a brand new year and going by half the articles and emails circulating at the minute that means time for you to make your New Year’s resolutions.  Or are you still working on last year’s resolutions?

I am going to be honest with you, I am not a big fan of New Year’s resolutions as I am generally still in hibernation mode and with the miserable weather out there it can be very hard to get motivated to start taking action. Usually by the end of the month my will power is lacking and I am about ready to give up. Sound familiar?

So a few years ago I found a way that works for me and it may work for you too. Instead of pushing myself to be doing what everyone else was doing at this time of year. I learnt that I really enjoy being in hibernation mode and taking time for myself. It gives me time to slow down, recharge my body but most importantly I can dream and scheme about my life and where I want to go.

I take time to reflect on how the previous year was, what were my highlights, the I learnt and who the significant people were in my life. This gives me valuable information which then can help me assess where I am before I start making my goals to help me get to where I want to be.  I play with the ideas that come to me and see how much I really want them before committing them to paper and making a plan to make them become a reality in the coming year (I will talk about this at a later date).

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Chat soon, Treasa xoxo


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