5 Things I Learnt About Self-care

Self-care is being self-aware about what you need in your life right now. While showing yourself love and compassion to help you get through each day being the best version of you possible. Having a health promotion and mental health background I was well aware of how important it is to look after yourself both physically, mentally and emotionally. I know that self-care is not selfish, it is a necessity. I have posted numerous posts/tweets over the year about its importance. Yet I still found myself not taking my own advice and slipping back to old habits, when I should

Are you a Fan of New Year’s Resolutions? (I’m Not)

New Year means a new you right.  It is a brand new year and going by half the articles and emails circulating at the minute that means time for you to make your New Year’s resolutions.  Or are you still working on last year’s resolutions? I am going to be honest with you, I am not a big fan of New Year’s resolutions as I am generally still in hibernation mode and with the miserable weather out there it can be very hard to get motivated to start taking action. Usually by the end of the month my will power

How you can learn to embrace the cold and darkness of Winter

The darkness is taking over, it is dark going to work and also dark coming home. The temperatures are dropping and we still have at least another two months of this. We can’t control winter, however we can learn to embrace it. Embracing winter is called Hygge (pronounced hoo-guh) by Danish people. It’s about slowing down and nurturing your soul and others so you are recharged for the seasons to come. Here are six tips to help you embrace winter and help you make the most of this season: Slow Down Hygge examines our habits in our daily lives. Instead

Why is Change so hard?

So, you have decided you are going to improve your life, you are finally committing to doing things for yourself maybe you joined the exercise class or a new lifestyle change, or have decided to try online dating, or go for that job you have been dreaming of or put yourself forward for the job promotion you really want. But now you are not so sure and losing the confidence in yourself that you can actual achieve your goals and you find yourself watching episode after episode or cleaning the house top to bottom rather than going and actually doing


Self-Care is a Neccessity

When you don’t prioritise your self-care it will lead you to stress and burn out. You have to look after yourself first before you can start to take care of others around you. You can’t pour from an empty cup……so always make sure you are ensuring your cup is full or at least being topped up on a daily basis. Time is precious and we are very busy people but we can be healthier and more productive when we look after ourselves. Self-care is a necessity. In order to look after yourself, you first need to be aware of what stresses

Time to declutter your life

Time to Declutter Your Life

   As we slowly come out of hibernation this makes now the ideal time to evaluate and declutter your life. This will give you more energy and time to spend on doing the things you really want and start working on achieving your goals in life.  Decluttering is good for physically organising your environment as well as being good for your mental health as it relieves stress, anxiety and also improves your decision making abilities. Here are a few tips to get you started on decluttering your life: Toxic Relationships In a world that quantity is encouraged, we have people in our