Are the Roles you Playing Overwhelming you Right Now?
Recently when working with a client and empowering them to ditch the overwhelm. We got talking about overwhelm and what can sometimes to cause us feel so exhausted. This led to a conversation around the roles we play in our lives especially the unwritten expectations attached/ perception around these roles. I counted recently how many […]
Is it Time You Hit the Reset Button?
The end of this week marks a year of lockdowns in Ireland. For many of us we did not believe we still would be in this position a year later. Is it time we hit the reset button, as the old way of life that was pre-covid is not returning in the near future, so […]
Have You Lost Your Motivation ?
Have You hit a wall and lost your motivation. You have lots for doing right now but just can’t seem to find the motivation to do it. Or worse when you are doing things your passion or joy is gone and it’s beginning to feel like a chore? Has procrastination become your comforter right now? […]
Coping During Lockdown in a Pandemic
Hard to believe we are already into May in 2020. Life right now is certainly looking a hell of a lot different than many of us envisaged that’s for sure. So how are you really doing as we now settle into 8 weeks of lockdown in a pandemic and the restrictions being slowly lifted? I […]
What Does Your Current Path Look Like?
In our lives we all have our own path. Each of our paths are different and depending on our current circumstances will impact how we would describe the weather and scenery on our current path. We all can relate to this, where things are going grand on our path and then out of nowhere trouble is brewing […]
Self-Care is a Neccessity
When you don’t prioritise your self-care it will lead you to stress and burn out. You have to look after yourself first before you can start to take care of others around you. You can’t pour from an empty cup……so always make sure you are ensuring your cup is full or at least being topped […]